But when that phone I'd been using quit, right when I needed it most, I had
to go get a smart phone asap, because I was moving & paying a couple guys to help me.
So Verizon had just opened here, & that's the only reason I switched to Verizon.
But I've never been able to get my Verizon bill down below $50.00 for the same thing that
Net10 charges $20.00 for. So finally, around the early part of last October I bought a Samsung
J7 Galaxy Crown - online - for a very good price. But what what good is any price when you
can't even use it in your area, & there's no way to know that previous to buying?
Nowhere online does it even mention that all phones do not work everywhere, or provide
anyplace for entering your zip code to find that out, so I spent $116.00 on this phone &
didn't even consider that it wouldn't work up here.
I waited until the beginning of this month (November), so that my monthly payments
would be when I had money. I paid Verizon off & was planning to quit them. So I tried
activating this phone a couple of days ago & couldn't do it. I called Net10 & spent a couple
of hours on the phone day before yesterday - was transferred 3x - & was finally told that
- this particular phone does not work in this area, & I have to send it back! So I got the address
from the last technician at that time, put everything back in the box, wrapped it back up
with brown paper & addressed it to the address he'd given me.
But yesterday morning it occurred to me that the postage from here might be quite high, & that
I should have asked about Net10 paying the postage. So I called again yesterday morning (on
hold forever), & someone at Customer Service told me that if I provided the serial number
Net10 would give me a postage-free mailing label. I assumed that they would email one, like
everywhere else.
I had an appointment right then, but when I came back I called yet again, told this story to
3 more people & was transferred 3x again (on hold forever). I had unwrapped the Samsung phone,
so was able to give the serial number to 3 more people at customer service. But the first 2
again transferred me (on hold forever each time), & the last gal - whom I'd been told would be
the one who would give me the mailing label, was extremely rude & began harassing me,
saying that she would not give me a mailing label unless I could provide the invoice. Since I'd
bought the phone in early October, & expected it to work, & have a very busy life otherwise,
I did not keep the invoice. So I ended up having to become angry with her - her whole rude tone & refusal
to give me a mailing label - & had to again reiterate how UNFAIR this is to me, that nowhere on their
website does it state that some phones may not work in all areas, much less give you a way to find out!
And that I did not want to return the phone but I have to, because it doesn't work in this area! The serial
number successfully identified the exact phone, & all my bank information I had to provide proved that I
had paid for it in full!
So finally she put me on hold for the 10th or so time, & when she came back said, "It will take between
7 & 10 working days for the mailing label to reach you, once we mail it!" (very rude tone). I don't have that
kind of time, on top of the approximately 5 hours that I have had to spend on hold in the last 3 days,
so asked her to email it to me (like most places do), & she said that they don't email mailing labels! And
told me my only other option was to pay the postage myself (duh!)!
She was so rude for so long that I just hung up on her - imo I shouldn't have had to argue & become angry
&/or even defend myself! In fact, I haven't gotten even one apology from anyone there!
So I re-wrapped the phone again, & re-addressed it again, & figured that I could at least find out how much
the postage is - to the Return Center in Plainsfield, Indiana from Alaska.
And took it to the post office (which is quite a ways away), stood in line & the gal helping me there told me that
the address the original guy had given me did not have a street address, so I couldn't mail it! She tried to look up
what the street address was on their post office computer, but I opted to take the package back home & be
completely sure of their correct address. (And the postage is $13.00, which I cannot afford but am going to have
to if I want my refund)!
It turns out that she was right about the address that she looked up, so now I have to go back to the post office
again later today. But for not even giving anyone the option online to check which phones will & won't work in
your area, & then being on hold for about 5 hours altogether, being given the wrong address, & on the phone
with the final very very rude gal after being told that she would give me a mailing label 6-7 times...& NOW - the
way she said, "It will take 7 to 10 business days for the mailing label to reach you, once we mail it!" - in a tone
that implied that she was still deliberately trying to make things as difficult as possible for me (when they had ALREADY been unnecessarily difficult for me), & I had to give my credit card info to them over the phone several times, among everything else), & now the return postage is $13.00! They already have all my money but had i known that some of their phones may not work in Alaska (or wherever), I wouldn't have had to go through all this! But there is no way to know, much less check!!
If my postage is not paid, on top of everything else I've had to experience, I am going to report all this to the Better Business Bureau at this point!
But I will give this one chance for someone there to at least apologize (no one has), & treat me like a human being, (but have no more time to wait very long at this point)!
Thanks for absolutely nothing so far!